Today was a full day of teaching again! I learned one hard lesson though. WEAR SUPPORTIVE SHOES. I try to match my shoes with my outfit but flats are just not doing my feet any justice. I am going to have to start wearing tennis shoes because by seventh hour I just want to sit and teach which is not very effective.
In Foods today we are finishing up our Fruit PowerPoint. I added the last part and also added a little review at the end so I could assess to see what they learned. I told them not to use their notes, but since they were out a lot of them referred to them. I was okay with that I was just trying to get across to them that if you can answer without your notes then you will do great on your test.
Fruits PPT with Review
In Health we are starting a new unit and it is Chapter 28 First Aid. We just finished taking a test yesterday, so I started the class out by reviewing the test. I was happy with the scores, for the most part. I took the test out of the book so I do not have an example to attach. Since the period was a little shorter since we reviewed I wanted them to get an idea of why it is important to study first aid. I hand made a article review and we reviewed. For the most part it went very well, the favorite part was telling stories about when they preformed first aid or when they had first aid performed on them.
In child development we went over our quiz about reproduction. The scores were all over the place. I had some who missed 2 then I had some that missed over half. I had to think if I didn't do a good enough teaching it or was it the student's lack of studying or paying attention. It is hard to know when the responsibility lies on you or the students. I told the students what was going to be on the test and what to study so I didn't know what else to do besides giving them the answer key. After we reviewed, we then started on our new unit, which is Prenatal Development. We have 9 groups so each group got a month. They are starting their presentation and also making a poster.
Female Reproduction Test
Male Reproduction Test
In family relations we had a lot of activities going on. We started off with what drives the opposite sex crazy.
What drives the opposite sex crazy!
Suggestions for Girls From Guys
Suggestion for Boys From Girls
After we discussed this we then went into LOVE. I had them read a story about a long lost soldier and a girl he has been writing to but doesn't know what she looks life. It tells their story and before the end the students have to create their own ending.
Love Story
I also sent them home with an interview that they had to do with their parents or with some 10 to 15 years older than them. I am doing this so we can see how things have changed.
Parenting Interview
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