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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mountain Climb

Saturday was a day full of events!  It started out with our friend Steven coming over and asking if we would like to go up in the mountains with him while he skis. The cars he are a lot smaller than in America so only 3 of us could go, but we split up and our adventure began!  We drove for about 10-15 minutes up through some mountains, past a ski resort, and stopped at the beginning of a trail.  Steven got out and got all suited up for his ski/hike up the mountain.  I have only ever skied down a hill, I have never seen someone climb up a hill before.  As he glided off the three of us began our journey up the mountain.  Before we started we had to be the typical tourist and take a lot of pictures of our surroundings!

Steven- our trusty Norwegian tour guide
Up in the Mountains

Up on this trail we could see many different little houses.  I asked if these were people's house that they lived full time in, but Steven said that they were more like peoples weekend homes or vacation homes.  They were cute little cabins, but we didn't see anyone was in them as I assume they were snowed out as it was close to a foot of snow on a pretty steep hill.
If you look closely you can see the homes.


While were about half way up the mountain here came Steven flying by in his skis.  He said he was going to go up once more and by that time we should be at the top as we didn't have much more to go.  It was very tiring walking up a mountain, especially when you don't have the proper gear.  Well we walked and walked and climbed and eventually we saw the end!!!!  When we reached the top their was a extra rock so we climbed on top of their to get the best view!  I was so proud that I climbed a mountain but boy was I exhausted!  I should of been running 3 miles a day before I took my trip to Norway!
Panorama View from the Trip
Roomie Climb!

 I made it!!!!


                                              Steven and Nikki at the top!---->

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