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Friday, November 2, 2012

American Pancakes and Homemade syrup

On the left you can see a typical Norwegian pancakes, and on the right you see the typical American pancake.  I wanted to teach my students some type of food that we in American eat that maybe they didn't get the chance to taste ever.  I thought about Sloppy Joes but the girl last year made those so I decided to go the breakfast route. 

I had to first find a recipe for homemade pancakes and then translate not only the words but also the measurements!!  Norway uses the metric system, so translating was a bit tricky.  After I got the pancakes figured out I then went to look for homemade maple syrup.  The recipe was quite simple with just water and sugar but I needed maple flavoring.  They did not have this in Norway I also could order it off Amazon.  I looked to see how much syrup would be in the stores but it was 60 Kroner (About $10 American).  I decided that I would have to ditch the maple idea and just go with the vanilla. 

Before I set my students free with the recipe I wanted to make sure it tasted alright, so Wednesday night I made my whole cabin a breakfast supper.  It turned out great and I knew my students would be okay.

Friday came and it was my first day to completely have the classroom on my own.  I handed out the recipe (Directions in English) and walked through it with them step by step.  They seemed to understand so then it was time to let them cook. Everything was going great, and then it came time to melt the butter.  I assumed that they would just measure it out and then melt in the microwave but little did I know that they take out a tiny saucepan and melt the butter on the stove.  This was very different than in America as we want it done FAST! 

The batter is made and now it is time for pouring!  I forgot to tell my students that you just need to pour the batter in one spot and not rotate the pan around to spread out the batter (this is how they get their pancakes so thin).  After I informed everyone of that I said how in America sometimes we make shapes out of our pancakes.  Next thing I know we have Mickey and Minnie Mouse, letters, hearts, and more.  The syrup didn't take as long as I thought so the cook started making double the pancakes so this cut down on time.

When it was time to eat my students didn't know how much syrup to use.  I told them that in Ameica it depends on the person some drown their pancakes in syrup while others do not. I told them to try a little to make sure they like it (In Norway they don't use syrup they use jam).

Overall my students said they loved it and a few even took the recipe to try at home.

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